Revenue authority to planning act in 1954, and municipal laid down some restriction on the construction of the planning of a different types of a buildings.
This building bye laws for City will not be same as that of the same taluka place municipality or village having grampanchayat. This plan is sanctioned by authority only after scrutinizing them regarding the Bye-Laws.
Urban development, have been modified for time to time for various state partly for providing guidelines to builders in the respective state.
The major aims Bye-Laws:-
1) To regulator construction activities.
2) To prevent haphazard growth of building.
3) To provide better civic amenities with hygienic conditions.
Lately Bye-Laws for zonal regulation has also been implemented with the following objectives.
1) To regulate land use.
2)To control population density.
3)To regulate planned development of city.
4)To prevent damage to ecology of an area particularly in ecologically sensitive area different countries have different Bye-Laws based upon climate.
Necessity of building Bye-Laws:-
1)To control the development of a various industries in the systematic way.
2) To discourage the growth of town in an unplanned and unscientific way.
3) To limit to certain extent the unprecedented flow of rural population to the urban areas.
4) Defective road system result information of narrow streets and laws.
5) Development of slum and squatter settlements.
6) Heavy traffic congestion during the working hours of day.
7) Inadequate open space resulting in an healthy living condition.
8) To avoid concentric growth and ribbon development.
9) Lack of essential amenities like electric, water supply, drainage system etc.
Roadwidth:- the minimum width of road shall not less than 9.0 m and the road width not less than plot width facing the respective road.
Open space requirement:-
For lighting, ventilation, future expansion , parking and a good approach or access to t other amenities open space is required.
Open space for front, rear and side yard depend upon the height of building.
W=width of open space around building in
Floor area ratio:-
The floor area ratio is a ratio of the building gross floor area to the total area of a land upon which it is constructed .The far of the area is extended by a load manicipal corporation to control the height of the building base ,size, land and place.
Floor Area Ratio= Building floor Area÷Plot Area.